Brief Description
The kick off ceremony involved honoured, officiating guests, including: the Chairman of the Ping Wo Fund Advisory Committee, Mr. YIP Chun-to, Adrian, BBS, MH, JP, the Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. LI Pak-chuen, Patrick, JP, the Assistant Chief Executive from Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, Mr. TANG Kam-piu, Billy, Campaign ambassador, Mr. Sinn Lap Man ( Pal Gor), Chief Inspector of Police from the Hong Kong Police Force, Mr. LO Chung-wong, Bert, as well as representatives from three counselling and treatment centres financed by the Ping Wo Fund (Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Even Centre, Caritas Addicted Gamblers Counselling Centre, Zion Social Service Yuk Lai Hin Counselling Centre). In addition, the famous DJs Sammy Leung and Kitty Yuen also attended as the masters of ceremonies, along with the band ToNick and street performers The Flame who exchanged conversation with students and encouraged them to refuse to indulge in gambling for the health of their mind and body.